Emergency Call (INDONESIA)

A. Emergency telephone numbers
- Emergency = 112
- Ambulance = 118
- Police = 110
- Firefighter = 113
- SAR / Search and Rescue = 115
- Command Post of the National Vigilance = 122
- Information and repair the damage and disruption of phone = 117
- Information and repair the damage and power failures (power company) = 123
- Red Cross Indonesia or PMI = 021-4207051
- Toxicity Information Center (Siker) = 021-4250767, 021-4227875

B. Telephone number information service
- Information billing or phone bills = 109
- Information-hour or time = 103
- Local Information / General = 108
- Information distance = 106
- International Information = 102
- Long-distance information via operator = 105
- International information via operator = 101/104
- Information telemarketing = 162
- Information and postal giro = 161
- Phonogram Services / Telegram via Phone = 165

  • if you want peace, no doubt this is the place, exotic sea, away from noise and .... ? try here.
  • other world views as you can get here, the bromo
venturing into the mountains? yes this is me, life is a challenge ......
  • exciting cultural attractions, but different, this is the Toraja culture is preserved for thousands of years coupled with the mythical Toraja people.
  • salah satu danau terbaik yang dimiliki indonesia, dengan sejarah danau yang panjang namun alami, pemandangan alamnya yang begitu eksotis membuat danau toba tak henti hentinya didatangi turis.....
  • you ever been stranded on an island very far but when you open your eyes, and you ask yourself, is this heaven? yes .... Raja Ampat is West Papua, not heaven.
  • terumbu
  • a temple site is a mystery to this day how at that time, no technology can be built, this is the Borobudur temple which became one of the seven wonders of the world ......
  • no need to explain at length the island of Bali, he was very famous in the world ......